Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Clouding into one galaXY

At this period of time or month, a lot has been happening and lots more will be happening. Its a month where everyone gathers around into one small coner and try to share their jokes and rants and a lot more. Some of us might be on the rise and some of us have dived to a bottom low. Some are getting the things that they have always wanted but some are still pondering on a life that is lead by nothing less than a piece of gauze. My Gauze!

Well, for most of us, its a period where all of us are still in a run for something or in a mindless bubble that's waiting for troubles to burst it open. For some of us, we might still be hoping, wishing, impossible things to happen to us, and for some we're still those group of people who still look back at what's been and gone,regreting on some of the choices that was made and never made. Maybe, we are losing some parts of us as our shadows are getting darker or maybe the 'rainbows' are finally showing their true colours. But luckily, there's still some boldness and baldness inside the humble homesides that we are in.

The world apparently is full of surprises and shocks , some might get the better of things and some might fall under the tidal waves. Its a real question of whether life is being fair to us ? For example, The Grammys has never had proper winners winning their awards. Coldplay and James Blunt left with nothing but the Dixie Chicks left with 5 .....whatever you call it. Even if we had won something, we'll still lose something in the end of the day, no matter who you are .Let's just hope everything's not lost , ya ? ..........and let's hope everything falls into the right places at the right times.

As you know , the month of february isn't just a month to sit and sleep in your room, It's a month to get yourself up and move around and shout whatever you want. It's a time when it isn't like it should be, you make it like it should be. Look at the blue skies and the green grasses and the crest and troughs of waves of the sea, see everything's in it's right place, then you'll know that it's a time to celebrate.The warning signs will alarm you with every heartbeat you feel. Yeah, there's every reason for us to celebrate, 'cause LeVasiz is gonna hit their 8000th hit in February, the botaks ruled once again, 2/5 th of levasiz and also some of their friends are celebrating their annivesary of birthdates in the month of February, Valentine's day is on the 14th of February, and also Chinese New Year. I'm sure Lim Dan and Lim Chong Wei will be giving us angpaus/ red packets when we visit their houses. NOT.
Since there's a lot more tomorrows and life's symphonies ahead of us, let's face the music together, and march till it's actually March.

Lastly, Le Vasiz would like to wish a happy valentines day to all the couples and for the lonely souls, you'll have such a nice time. And also a Happy Chinese New Year to all the people who are part of the second most populated race in Malaysia.
So , grab your coke , your oranges, chocolates and everything nice and head to a party nearby.

True files: The real meaning of MOE !

Well, everyone should know that MOE stands for the Ministry of enjoyment instead of the ministry of education. Have a coke! a bottomless one.(the one that 'll make you and me a diabetic patient)

If you're bored , go to and if you're sick stop visiting blogs and do your logs(add. maths).

After knowing what we will be drinking during the celebrations, you should be informed on what we'll be doing too.We're soundaholics! We are the "i" in ipod .............

Ciao. Don't forget to tag . No white tags please coz we cant save you !
Happy Valentines Day from the bottom of our hearts ....

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