Saturday, June 09, 2007


Yeah! you're right ..

As you saw the title , you knew i was gonna write a HEROES-related post....

And I'm talking about that particular "HEROES' which became a TV-hit among the Americans and the TV-obsessed individuals living in this sick world right now , and not those fancy superheroes with a *man at the end of their names. E.g. SpiderMAN, SuperMAN, BatMAN, CicakMAN???, wonderwoMAN(even female superheroes are stuck with the *man behind)...

After a wide-spread survey was carried out during the past week or so , I came to a conclusion that 'HEROES' is definitely our favourite tv series at the moment . HEROES is probably the only reason why we bother glue-ing ourselves to the IdiotBox nowadays.We finish all 23 you know ?

For Solid proof, even our MSN name/personal messages are Heroes-esque.

When Online...

Hero related :

Joel's Msn name
Joel Petrelli

'tom'(I'm free)- heroes

Marvin=Arcane Midnight : How to stop an exploding man ? -Ep.23

Non-hero related :
LeVasiz[s]find solace in yourself[/s] -not HEROES related but It sounds hero-ish enough.

Shahrul(not so sure)
Shahrul - even the 'shahrul' itself sounds like a true hero

SO AFTER THE INTRO, let me bring you to the CHORUS....

Have you ever wondered ? If you were a HERO , what special abilities /superpowers will you owned ?

LeVasiz did their day-dreaming , and this is what Pop out.......

IF we were HEROES ......hmmm......according to our daily lives, This would be it.....

  1. Joel - the ability to deliver you any kind of BEATing you deserve . Which one you want ? he has 8-beat ,16-bit, 32-bit,64-bit....He's also a master of the drumsticks(always mistaken for chopsticks). Controls them like, like no other mortal you've ever seen.

  2. Thomas - Like Niki/Jessica in Heroes , Thomas is gifted with two personalities . One ying and one yang. In his daily live ,Thomas potrays two sides of him . Sometimes he's a man(superstrength) and sometimes he's a geeayewhy *ahem....Remember the pic ?

  3. Marvin - Intermediate telekinetic power. With his ability at level one , he's only able to close and open lifts / doors by using his jedi/sylar-esque force. He steals powers from the others by shooting them.....He walks trough cinemas too!

  4. Leroy - Like nathan petrelli, he's the flying man . Always high. You should try, asking him the number of times he FLEW from classes and tuitions ? He'll tell you loads.A real flyer If you ask me. - not for teachers to read.

  5. Shahrul - Again, I'm not sure about his power. But Shahrul claims he is a Power Ranger. Whoa.....Dont play play ! He got zords , you know ?

Even our LeVasiz crew are gifted with special abilities...

  • Jing - Hiro nakamura's twin brother. Able to stop time and smile. XD Zeke can become his Ando.
  • Brian aka Brianstorm - The guy with the raging hormones. Watch out , Johnny Depp ! He's also a chinaman who kills you with his sozinated obscure words.
  • Vinesh - has the ability to turn into an exploding stinkbomb...Eww....... His other ability would be to camouflage himself in the dark. Get it ? Too hitam too lihat. The living example of a SOZIN and a SIJO. A DARK VEDA !...
  • Nigel - Writes the futureHas the ability to absorb Musical talent from people. He plays the handclap, tambourine, sneer, hiccup, table-hittting,accidental coughs , stomping and does the vocals ???
  • Ko - Has the ability to turn your mind inside out sideways down with his lame jokes. Makes you crack up ! Massive St.JOker
  • Simran - Balls of fire ! like The Torch from fantastic 4.
  • Cheah - KingFisher . What letters do you need ? a 'c' and a'v' ?
  • Seng Chye - The best scrabble player ever. Averaging 600pts per game. Highest word ..'puppies'-276pts. ????
  • Ching - The Real Chinaman. Shoots noodles instead of webs from his hands.Wears a cheongsam as his costume !...ooops. Wrong attire.
  • 5 BOTAKS aka BackstreetBotaks - International Champions. Ability to sound as bad as the backstreet boys but do things like 'How To Save A Life'

Okay, I'm Done. Signing off. VIRUS.

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