Friday, May 16, 2008


Some words have double meanings. Symbols too.

For example, that "<<" symbol on a subjected attire or uniform would have meant the rank of a corporal. But on a CD / DVD / MP3 / Ipod / XBOX 360, it brings a whole new meaning in the theme of going back. Rewind. Rewind. Reverse.

I'd love to do that now or later probably. Maybe, someday I Will. Who knows ? But logic always seems to be there to stop me. My road block. My stop sign. Stops my fantasied progress of far imagery. Hits me between the eyes where it hurts the most. Hurtful, to know that dreams are what i've become, or would never be. Only for yesterday's worth. And above all, the need to succumb to a saying/song, 'all things must pass'. Nevermind.

Watch the video. Coldplay related. The next time I get a chance or rather 'we' do. We should give this a shot. Attempt on greatness.

Warning signs. Matters all the time.

The song suits the whole 'mood' too. Goodbye.

Lost, a direction of no purpose nor cause,
Lost, begins with a puppet, of many
Lost, a show, a song, a valued force,
Lost, you're not, when Man. Utd wins and chelsea lost.


A special feature.


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