An update for the SSI thingy.............
Maybe not now.
On the band's point of view, we did what we did and that's all there is to it. We played the songs, we brought the emo back and nothing else matters.
By the way , the title of the new song is 'ColdMay' , not 'call me'.
First of all , a million thanks to LeVasiz . Let's thank ourselves.
And Joel, 'til now, I can still hear screams of , " Hey, mana drum solo ? " coming from the back of my mind. The whole LiveEarth were waiting for it but it never came.
Well, congrats to the band that actually won the bloody thing, the 1000$ you guys won.Although I don't know how but bravo.Well done, to the others too.......Shite! I hate eating hotCrossbuns'
Not to forget , a very well thank you to those who came to watch us . Thank you ,vinesh....Eh ,were you there? Nevermind, thank you for your support ; all of you. You chose to watch Le Vasiz instead of dreamy sleeps; good choice. Strikethrough the last sentence.
I'll talk more aboout the SSI botb soon. Videos and pics , coming soon. They'll be here faster then you can say L-E-V-A-S-I-Z ! Gonna Fly now...
The only reason why I'm not writing more is because of this :
From 'Square one' to 'The Scientist' to "Fix You". It's happening all over again.not.
52 weeks. Oh, take me back to the start.....
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