Monday, June 18, 2007

Nanananana....Hey June

Outro from past post .....

We haven't been posting any pictures lately. Why ?

Let me tell you why.

It's because the papparazzi ain't following us anymore. Get it.

Okay we're I'm LAME.

Now , let 's all turn the clock's father hand anti-clockwise back to where we came and then , back to the future . Twisted and bended . Well.... Let's all imagine.

What if LeVasiz had an album ?...................


turn on your ponderwall.

What do you think would've been our album title if we had one? This tile? That title ?

Well, All I know Is That I don't Know. But what I do know is that, we had a meeting on this. And like all meetings, it was unproductive as usual. We just couldn't decide and make our mind up .


Here's a few of the suggestions that came about. Go on . Take a peep .

  • Amoretisation- was the first thing that popped out from the back of our minds.
  • Free Us From Pain - would have been cool , wouldn't it ?
  • Physics and Physique - Einstein suggested this!
  • Le' Vasiz - A self titled album would have been boring.
  • " A title from a song we had written "
  • Perling Mall - to Ulu sounding.
  • Levi's LeVasiz- our favourite pair of jeans

Now , for the ones after hours of brianstorming brainstorming.

  • A Crush of Mud to the Head
  • What's The Pain, Midnight Arcane ?
  • We believe in disbelief
  • Para-shoots
  • Eventually maybe
  • Alpha & Beta (derive from coldplay's X & Y )
  • Sgt. Peppers Lonely farts club
  • KO Computer
  • Hopes and beers
  • What they say I am Not, that's what I am
  • Listen if you can't hear
  • Phonecalls and Reverbrations
  • Origin Of cemetery
  • Shitelife
  • City Square(Our favourite lepak place)
  • Heads I win , tails you lose
  • Back to Perling(refer Back to Bedlam)
  • Sing when You're loosing
  • How to stay alive ?
  • Hotel KL-fornia
  • Nevermind the bollocks, here's LeVasiz
  • Enema of De-Bate
  • Under the ferum sea
  • Heathen Biology
  • Young and Bassless
  • They censored **** for fug!
  • Abhoretisation
  • Showbees
  • The Boy with no ram
  • Rubber sole
  • How to confuse an atomic bomb
  • Plastic Dono band
  • That thing you do ! Not.
  • Let's Eat Mee
  • Stop The Jam
  • Twisted Blogic
  • Songs about...Sozin and sijos ??

So, what do you think ? Which would've suited LeVasiz best?

Think of summat'. Well, if you don't.

Then, i guess i will. And the only thing that comes to mind right now is...

" I Think Gauze Can Explain ".

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