Tuesday, January 02, 2007


just a few minutes at KimGary actually yielded some hasil. well, blame it on the horrfying shopping binges of irritating moms. thank the silver balls of light, it made way for this


i look into the open
the clever lines are broken
find silver lights, silver lights
it don't make it right

i've been livin of a platter
polished down and saw it silver
saw silver pains, silver pains

(there's this part where i didn't want to write yet)


If you ever feel like breakin'
And the truth you can't stop fakin'
put your hand right there, right by my hand,
i'll be right there at the end

she's so happy for a minute
then she says she couldn't cry
open doors mistake it
cupboards hide what's behind
hear silver bells, silver bells
it's yuletide in july


-then this crazy 6 piece string ensemble plays the verse melody,
and this is where you close your eyes and soak in the atmosphere-

when life pushes you aside
if you're second just be bold
push it high till you get it right
Silver's more than gold

coming in second doesn't make me sore, it just gives people a chance to see how much of a sore loser i am. oh well, FOA HERE WE COME

a few people deserve some sort of a mention for this song- the people who did it-the person who could not cry-the poor girl who was breakin'-pain-narnia-christmas-my irritable mom-and the big silver balls of KimGary (goz.. a picture would hve been great. coming soon)


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