Getting High...on Christmas day
So,we had a merry little christmas.
The first question that you guys should be asking yourself is " Where were you while we were getting high ? "
A line made famous by a few great musicians in a song titled 'Champagne supernova'
Feeling High
I'm sure that's how all of you feel right now,eh? i'm sure you do. It doesn't mean high in the sense that you're high on alcohol or any of those drinks, high can have a meaning of happiness/gayness and just pure fun and laughter. Well, what i know is that most of us will feel high whenever we are hanging out with our friends, family, and more friends and sometimes unknown friends. Don't you agree? well the answer you should be answering to this question will be the exact answer you'll be answering when someone ask you whether you're a human being?....
I can't seem to remember who's house was this.It's either marvin's or leroy's. Let the drunkards decide.
As for le'Vasiz and their friends , we celebrated christmas as if the whole world was singing 'Joy To The World' . We ate till we drop or shite or fell sick or till the food were gone . The whole thing was just great. It couldn't have been better.Or maybe it could.....who knows?
And of course , the night ended with what you think we guys might drink or might not drink in a party. Twisted, huh? It was all turkey n' alcohol. Once everyone hit the 'High' note( like a high C in your music theory), a tidal wave, a landslide ,a flood of crazy stuff started coming in. Some guys started crapping about life(like an adult), some started singing(out of key), some even thought he might drift away from his friends when he should be drifting with a car, and some were just trying to take it all in by sitting on the couch like a drunkard drinking strawberry milk and ribena. We even saw a shooting star which we named it a superstar in the sky,right above the moon(after 5 glasses of you know what.) Soon the night took a change from silent night and holy night to a night that's full of shite XP
Let's move on , what i'm trying to say is that levasiz and their friends had a good time and little christmas day was great. Wow...I'm really drifting away out of topic right now.Anyways, guys let's give ourselves a Christmas present by making a demo album after we are done with what we are undone. It'll do great to the music world. By next year, I want to see A Le'Vasiz album as everyones favourite christmas present.What a nice feeling ,right? ...
Well , let me try to continue this post with a .................erm..
Hold lag a bit.......
Oh well i guess I should go downstairs and grab myself a drink from the fridge. There's Bacardi, Martini, Vodka, red wine and whisky but I'll get fresh milk instead.Haha.
Merry Christmas.
End of story.
Where were you while we were getting high ? Dont answer this if you got higher.
(under the infuence of wild tukeys alcohol )
you dont have to drift with only a car...
O culoare complementară fantastic pentru accesorii cum ar fi o pungă de culoare roz noapte
spumant , un colier de diamante ... De fapt , fiecare
site-ul pare să difere de la ceea ce este cea mai bună tehnică pentru a satisface iubitul tau
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