Wednesday, September 13, 2006

A beautiful world ? think again...

Music,all of us have made,all of us have done for.
Rhymes,all of us have played, all of us have live for.
Pain is long and never ceasing
Pain is old,still standing,still winning
So go ahead and Let them all keep their skins
Cos all we want is in our bones
And we cant look down
Maybe we could have it all but now we just want it back that's all
And We cant get out
cause they're on top of the world
sure in time we'll be heard, they said,
come on, everybody knows we're meant for better or worse
and say what you mean, or you won't mean a thing to us
everybody falls sometimes but it's not the end of the world
sure in time we'll be heard and you'll be heard,
As we try to decipher the codes of x&y,
We saw trouble and things we don't understand
We took a ladder to the sun but gravity pushed us down
And it's how you see the world, not how the world sees you
We want to live forever but the world just turned upside down
And brought us......AMORETISATION
So....Just Free Us From PAIN!


Anonymous said...

we cant run away from pain no matter might help us in life it might might help might screw friendships...

WAT eva it is dunn let PAIN...screw things tat r more important...


Anonymous said...

I think this is one of my fav. post so far. Nice poster to go with it too.The special poster was made by Shar Linn btw.Well, now i'm back into trying to decipher the codes of X & Y.

Free Us From Pain
Make Trade Fair