I don't know my own mind
It's been long.........such a long time , since the blog was updated . Well , this sort of phenomenon only happens when exams and papers come rushing in , wouldn't you agree ? Such a rush , such a rush . Things are in a turmoil . We were puzzled as can be. We spend weeks of feeding our head with the things we don't know and end up throwing it out on a piece of question paper or more often then so , the test pad. There were those who were in a state of photostating and there were some who were even asleep as even the strongest cup of coffee couldnt keep them up.And there were even those(especially the unseen-the dark one'jinesh' ) who had the balls to cheat but didn't have the brains to admit it. It's pretty sad to know that there are animals people like this around you 'cause if you cheat, you might as well be proud of it. Tabloid news : during the exams, the biggest phone heist happen in "(empty set)" , stolen by the breadman. 15 were involved.
This ain't gonna be a long post . I'll try to make it as short as possible, around the tidak melebihi 100 patah perkataan range.
Let me see, I'm lost in things to write about actually . I've reach my limit , as the title says it out, I don't know my own mind ! Things have taken a toll on me and If i don't stop now , me and me classmates will be looking like this(look at figure 1.1) in the near future. Stuck in class , learning things that would mean nothing to the world, piece of meaningful nonsense!Arghhh...........
Figure 1.1 Nobody listens in class, you see ......
Lesson learnt : life on the other hand, will never make us understand. Never will.Not.
As an antiseptic to the head-ache everyone's feeling right now , let's all put our records on. Sing out our favourite song(s).
Busy here, Busy there . Trouble here , trouble there. They're all a mile away when you have that lovely piece of music on. It could be ROCK, POoP, RAPe, Country , Jazzzz..., classical or even classicless music. It all brings out the same thing, MUSIC . It's movement , like all sound waves , is parallel to the direction of propagation of waves that is simplified as symphonies moving in a longitudinal wave.
So, stop asking 'who put the weight of the world on my shoulders? ',put in some good music, turn up the volume on your speakers and start looking for starlights, with your pitiful blackholes and revelations that come along with it. We'll be made soundaholics and not study-book geeks.
Let's all miss out on school(won't that be cool),
Stop learning the words of fools.
Before I forget , Good Luck to the argumentative Debaters . ....
1 part of le vasiz will be speaking and the rest will be cheering (in one line)
That's all folks.
March 2007